Writing Clean, Pythonic Code With namedtuple

Python’s collections module provides a factory function called namedtuple(), which is specially designed to make your code more Pythonic when you’re working with tuples. With namedtuple(), you can create immutable sequence types that allow you to access their values using descriptive field names and the dot notation instead of unclear integer indices.

If you have some experience using Python, then you know that writing Pythonic code is a core skill for Python developers. In this video course, you’ll level up that skill using namedtuple.

In this video course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create namedtuple classes using namedtuple()
  • Identify and take advantage of cool features of namedtuple
  • Use namedtuple instances to write Pythonic code
  • Decide whether to use a namedtuple or a similar data structure
  • Subclass a namedtuple to provide new features

To get the most out of this course, you need to have a general understanding of Python’s philosophy related to writing Pythonic and readable code. You also need to know the basics of working with:

If you don’t have all the required knowledge before starting this video course, then that’s okay! You can stop and review the above resources as needed.

What’s Included:

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About Christopher Trudeau

Christopher has a passion for the Python language and writes for Real Python. He is a consultant who helps advise organizations on how to improve their technical teams.

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