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Moving All Image Files to a New Directory (Challenge)

Avatar image for akazimierz

akazimierz on Jan. 5, 2023

I got a problem: couldn’t find the zip archive with folders structure and files for the challenge – I checked this lesson (only archives with slides and code), checked at the very beginning of the course, and the end as well (I hope I didn’t make a mistake looking for the archive – if I did, please let me know.)

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on Jan. 5, 2023

Thanks for flagging this @akazmierz. We’ll update the download later today so that you also get the folder structure together with the code files in the same ZIP file!

Avatar image for Francisco Martínez B

Francisco Martínez B on Sept. 6, 2023

Thanks, nice ex.

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