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Find the Factors of a Number (Exercise)

00:00 Remember when Ian surprised you with a challenge back in the Python Basics course? Well, this is the same challenge, so you might have already solved it, but if you haven’t, here’s a second chance for you to do it before I’m going to walk you over a possible solution.

00:14 So, the challenge is to find the factors of a number, and the text reads, “A factor of a positive integer n is any positive integer less than or equal to n, that divides n with no remainder. For example, 3 is a factor of 12 because 12 divided by 3 is 4 with no remainder.

00:30 However, 5 is not a factor of 12 because 5 goes into 12 twice, and there’s a remainder of 2.”

00:38 Now your task is to write a program called factors.py that asks the user to input a positive integer and then prints out the factors of that number. Down there, you can see a sample run of the program with its output. So you can see the user input here, saying "Enter a positive integer: ".

00:54 The user entered the number 12, and then you see the output of the program where it says, for every number up to that number, it says 1 is factor of 12, 2 is a factor of 12, 3 is a factor of 12, 4 is, 6 is, and then 12 is a factor of 12.

01:08 All numbers that 12 can be divided by without leaving a remainder. You already have all the pieces that you need for this in the previous review exercises that we did. So, I hope you have an idea of how to start solving this, and I’d suggest you to go ahead, open up a new file, and then write the program and try it out. Once you’re done, hop over to the next lesson. We’ll code up an example solution together.

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