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Unapplying Django Migrations

This lesson will show you how to undo database changes and switch to an earlier database schema. To unapply a migration, you have to call migrate with the name of the app and the name of the migration before the migration you want to unapply.

Avatar image for Manu

Manu on Feb. 5, 2023

Hi Darren, you unapplied migration 0001_initial, why it applied for 002_auto.... migration. could you please clarify on this thanks.

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melissac on April 10, 2023

@manu, I’m a beginner so take this for what it’s worth, but I don’t think his command was unapplying 0001, I think it was reverting to 0001. In order to revert to 0001, it unapplies 0002 (and anything else after that, if there had been more migrations).

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Darren Jones RP Team on April 12, 2023

@manu - Sorry for missing your comment previously. Melissac is correct - it’s reverting to 0001, and does so by unapplying 0002 (and anything after that if there had been others to unapply).

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