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Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on Jan. 2, 2023

Thanks for adding the link @Lin :) We also have a link over in the Description of the lesson.

Avatar image for Lin

Lin on Jan. 2, 2023

Ha, I’m new to RealPython. Wonder why I didn’t see that lol. Thanks for pointing out.

Avatar image for Grouchy Old Fart

Grouchy Old Fart on Sept. 10, 2023

Really good course. Worth every cent. Is there any guarantee that Visual Studio Code will remain free and open source?

Avatar image for Bartosz Zaczyński

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Sept. 11, 2023

@Grouchy Old Fart Microsoft has shown a commitment towards open source in recent years by acquiring GitHub and contributing to several major open source projects. It seems unlikely they would suddenly change their stance and abandon Visual Studio Code. That being said, it’s a Microsoft product, so there are no guarantees.

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