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Code Your First Python Program (Overview)

In the previous Python Basics video course, you set up Python on your computer. With Python installed, you’re ready ready to start coding!

In this video course, you’ll:

  • Write your first Python program
  • Learn what happens when you run a program with an error
  • Learn how to declare a variable and inspect its value
  • Learn how to write comments

This course can be enjoyed alone or as an accompaniment to Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3.

Ready to begin your Python journey? Let’s go!

For more information on concepts covered in this lesson, you can check out:


Course Slides (.pdf)

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00:00 I want to welcome you to the Python Basics: Your First Program video course. My name’s Christopher Bailey, and I’ll be leading you through this course. The first Python Basics video course was about getting Python installed on your computer. And now that you got it installed, it’s time to start coding.

00:18 In this course, you’ll write your first Python script. You’ll learn what happens when you run scripts with an error, and you’ll learn how to declare variables and inspect their value.

00:29 You’ll also learn a lot about how to write comments.

00:34 Along the way, you’re going to also learn the differences between what is called the interactive and the script windows inside of IDLE. You’ll learn about the Read-Evaluate-Print Loop (REPL), and not only will you be creating scripts, but you’ll also learn how to run them.

00:49 You’ll learn about a very important operator called the assignment operator. What are the rules for creating variable names, and what is considered valid or invalid? Along with that, you’ll also learn a few of the standards that are outlined inside of PEP 8.

01:06 I’ll take you quickly through the table of contents here before we get started. This video is the overview. Then you’re going to dive right into writing your first Python script.

01:15 After that you’re going to learn how to make some mistakes, but also how to get around them. Then you’ll dive into creating variables. After that, it’s all about comments and leaving helpful notes for yourself inside of your code.

01:27 And then I’ll wrap up with you with a summary and include a bunch of additional resources. So it’s time for you to get started with writing your first Python script.

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