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Code Your First Python Program (Summary)

In this video course, you wrote and executed your first Python program! You wrote a small program that displays the text Hello, World using the print() function.

Then you learned about syntax errors, which occur before IDLE executes a program that contains invalid Python code, and runtime errors, which only occur while a program is running.

You saw how to assign values to variables using the assignment operator (=) and how to inspect variables in the interactive window.

Finally, you learned how to write helpful comments in your code for when you or someone else looks at in the future.

In this video course, you:

  • Wrote your first Python program
  • Learned what happens when you run a program with an error
  • Learned how to declare a variable and inspect its value
  • Learned how to write comments

To check your learning progress, you can take Your First Python Program Quiz.

For more information on concepts covered in this course, you can check out:


Course Slides (.pdf)

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forghm25 on Sept. 18, 2022

Great vid

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