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Revisiting the Commands

00:00 In this lesson, we’ll recap the tasks I gave to Martin, and I’ll also give you an overview of the commands that he used to perform the tasks.

00:08 Here are the tasks from the Code Conversation listed again, and this is actually a great opportunity to test your knowledge. After I read the task to you, you can press pause and then try to perform the task in a terminal yourself.

00:23 Once you’re done or you need a refresher, you can continue this video. Also, you can download the PDF that you can find in the materials of this video if you need something to print out and have next to you—or don’t print it out, just like put it in a window next to you. Okay, here are the tasks.

00:42 Open the terminal application and show the current path of your working directory. Create a new directory named pb_terminal/. Change into pb_terminal/ and show the current path of your working directory again.

00:59 Create a new file named hello_terminal.py. List the contents of the pb_terminal/ directory. Add the function print("Hello, Terminal!") to hello_terminal.py without opening an editor.

01:17 Show the contents of hello_terminal.py. Run hello_terminal.py. Copy hello_terminal.py into a subdirectory named hello/.

01:29 Change into the hello/ directory and list the contents. Change back into pb_terminal/ and rename hello_terminal.py to hello_world.py.

01:43 Then, replace the content of hello_world.py with the print() function saying "Hello, World!".

01:51 Next, run hello_world.py, and then run hello_terminal.pythat’s currently in the hello/ directory—without changing into the hello/ directory. Okay, now you can pause the video and try to perform the tasks in the terminal yourself.

02:10 In the next slide, I’ll list you all the commands you can use to perform the tasks.

02:17 Here they are. No worries. I won’t read all the commands to you again. You can download the slide with the list of commands from the materials of this video course, but before you grab the PDF and run away, let me wrap up this course in the next lesson.

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